Thursday, November 17, 2016


Hi, welcome to my blog :)

    It's been a long time since I wrote about Dolce e Gabbana show in my blog. And today I wanna share again to you about my fashion opinion. Actually after you read this, you decide it, whether you agree or not with me, but hopefully this time my article can help you more about how you see fashion in different side or how you can break that fashion myth for yourself.
    So, nowadays or maybe since a long time ago, there are so many fashion rules that make you be careful to wear your fashion style or you like this style, but because of your body shape you can't be yourself, what a pitty. There are so many of them, such as,
  • You are fat so you can't wear a clothes with no sleeve, or you can't wear a mini dress, or you have to wear a wide clothes. Also if you want a clothes with pattern you have to wear a clothes with small pattern to make you looks thiner, you can't wear short, you have to wear black dress, black clothes to make you looks thiner, and blahblahblah, come on???                                                       




                    -Chastity Valentine-                   

          They look fun, they look great, they look as who they are.
  • You are short, you can't wear long cloak, you have to wear something mini, do not wear long dress, use heels, do not blahblahblah, actually this is me hahah. But you can see this,

         -Sonia eryka-

                I think she looks cool, don't you?                 
  • You are too thin, you have to wear a clothes with sleeve, wear something bigger than you to make you look fatter, or  maybe if you wear wide clothes or kimono dress will make you look like a ghost, wear something with big pattern such as if you like polkadot you have to choose clothes with big polkadot, or even maybe you have to wear no sleeve clothes to make you look better, and blahblahblah.. throw these f*ckin' rules.

    And there are so many many many fashion rules that maybe can break your own style. And so many fashion imperfection. But here, why I write this article is because I lived in it too before, lived in that fashion myth (for me). I can't write all fashion myth here (cause it will be too long hahah), but for you who read this article, you know what fashion rule you keep that prevent you to be You or that makes you be who you are now but not what you want.
     Wait, but here I want to clarify that I'm not telling you that those fashion rules are not good, not important, you don't need it. It's a NO! I just tell you that you can be who you really are without that fashion rules, as if you are fat and like to looks fat, so then you don't need them, wear everything you want but still keep in good style and good match. But if you are fat and you don't want to look that fat, you can sort out which clothes that can be a good trick for your appearance.
       So guys, all is depend on you. Hope it helps you and you are not hesitate in fashion world. See ya on my next article, ciao ciao..

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